Petrol Gas Station in Kudat | Stesen Minyak di Kudat
There are 3 Gas Station in Kudat - Shell, ESSO and Pertonas;
The Shell Pertol Gas Station in Kudat:
The ESSO Pertrol Gas Station:
Business Hours: 7:00 am until 7:00 pm
The Shell Pertol Gas Station in Kudat:
Tredmark location: First Roundabouts in Kudat Town - old street/ town
The ESSO Pertrol Gas Station:
Tredmark Location: Near the Kudat Ports/ Old town
The Petronas Pertrol Gas Station:
Tredmark Location Near the Esplanade Sidek, Kudat.
Note: There are no Petrol gas station from Kota Belud Town to Kudat town road (70 KM) or Kota Marudu Town to Kudat town road (40 KM).